Saturday, April 4, 2009

Open Hands Online!

Okay, the most important news of the day is I finally got the Open Hands Reiki Natural Healing website online. We are officially Happy days, I'm tellin' ya'. Been one of those monkeys on my back, needing to get it done and only able to tinker some here and some there with it for months now. Granted, it's a 'canned' template to start with, but it's something. There is still the work of getting it plastered all over the internet with search engines and such, but again, it's functioning as is and that's a good thing. The nitty-gritty of a "real" website with our logo and all that jazz is down the road a little ways.

Other news in my world is that I finished a painting (!) but haven't had time to take photos and get it on my website. Shoot, I haven't even put the picture hanging wire on the back of it yet either. I'll tell ya' the truth, just having a brush in my hand again was nice ... really nice. I'd have no problem running away to Bora Bora to do nothing but paint for a few months.

Like everyone else, times are tough and it's been living a day-by-day thing for me for awhile. Although things are difficult, I'm grateful I have so many good things in my life. I have a good, kind man as a husband. I have food, clothing, and a roof over my head. I am humbled by the wonderful friendships I have. I have Open Hands. I have the sweetest cat in the world. I have my studio and my art. Today is a beautiful, sun-shiney day. Yep, blessings abound.

Remember to hug somebody today ...

Namaste, y'all ...