Thursday, May 22, 2008

A lovely and interesting Wednesday!

We got our first official "walk-in" for Reiki at the store yesterday. Not only that, it was a 'paid for three one hour sessions' walk-in. Hoorah! We've had other people come in but it wasn't a stranger, an unknown person off the street kind of session. It felt like a milestone of accomplishment. I had the feeling that the ball is starting to roll downhill now.

I also had a "walk-in" for a psychic reading, scheduled an appointment for today at 6:00pm. It's a first of sorts as well. Again, I've done lots of readings, even at the store space, but it's the first official one since the store opened. Needless to say, it added to the whole rolling ball feeling. After she left, I stood in the middle of the store and said a prayer of gratitude.

Third point of interest is the new company the husband works for "cut him loose" yesterday from training, put him in a temporary truck and put him on the road. This is good in that he'll start earning a regular paycheck sooner, (rah! rah! rah!) but also will help in his starting to establish more of a routine for being out - coming home. Doing so will go a long way towards creating a more comfortable arrangement for the husband. He likes routine and he likes his home time.

The last thing of interest is a conversation I had with a friend. I won't go into all the details because they are personal to her, but what was of most interest to me is the conversation validated an intuitive knowing I had a while back about her and a friend of hers. Long story short, I "knew" within a couple of months her friend would be revealed in a new light, that what my friend had believed to be a deep, true friendship between the two of them really wouldn't be quite so true. I knew that my friend would be faced with a disappointment and disillusionment in her friend. I hoped I was wrong. I'm sad to say I wasn't.

As I sat and listened to my friend talk, watching her eyes cloud with confusion and doubt about her friend and what to do with the situation, I felt heavy hearted. It's difficult to put faith and trust in someone only to find out later they weren't friend enough to appreciate it, deserve it, respect it, value it. To see past their smoke and mirrors and catch a clear glimpse of their true nature - that they are so completely and totally focused on themselves that you and your friendship is really barely an afterthought, much less anything above lowly place.

But I could also see the flip side of the struggle. As a friend, she still wants to help, was to give of herself, with compassion and sincerity, but it wars with the disillusionment - which breeds a nasty, niggly sense of guilt.Rock = Hard Place.

I tried to be objective and open, to be an ear to listen and a sounding board for the things she needed to say. Then I gave her my thoughts about the situation, my honest opinions and impressions about the friend. (I know the person) Truth is, I feel a certain level of sympathy for her friend. She not in a good place mentally, physically or emotionally. The worst part is her friend won't even see her own accountability for the bad place she is in. She is very much stuck in the "victim" mode. Trust me, it's a big black soul sucking hole of a place. Not easily shed nor walked away from if you've been there awhile. I think her friend has been there a very long time.

Thing is, you can't do anything about where another person is in their life. It's their path they must walk, their own journey. It may be a mildly bumpy road. It may be the equivalent of attempting to scale Mt. Everest with nothing but flip-flops and toothpicks. Sometimes the only way to be a friend is to let them do what they have to do, even if it hurts. It's their life and their lessons to learn or not learn. For my friend, I think this is one of those times.

For me, as I said, it was a sad validation of my intuition. Being right about something isn't always a bowl of strawberries and Cool-Whip. Sometimes being 'psychic' brings information you really prefer not to know about people. You can see some of the bumps in their road and you know you can't do a damn thing about it. You have to stand back and keep your mouth shut because it's a lesson for them to learn. And y'all, that's what life is ... learning the lessons of being human.

Without question, I don't want to see anyone get used or taken advantage of, but I really do hate to see someone's faith and trust in another person get blown out of the water. Losing a job or having your car keel over on the side of the road isn't a positive thing, but the loss of faith in a friend is, well, the pits. It hurts on many levels and isn't easy to deal with. The upside is that my friend has me and other friends who to talk to about it, who understand the situation, and who, above all, really do care about her. If you have to lose one friend it's nice to know there's still a whole herd of them standing right behind you.

So, it's off to work I go this morning ... wonder what today will bring?

Namaste, y'all ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mmmmmm...strawberries and cool whip!