Monday, May 19, 2008

It's Monday. One of my two days away from the store. I should be in the studio, blissfully swishing paint around on a canvas or something. Instead, I'm sitting here wondering what the dickins' to do with myself. My options are:
  1. Clean the house, which I confess I've been shamefully neglectful of doing of late.
  2. Yard work to attempt to fight the ever expanding weed field my "yard" is fast becoming.
  3. Write blog post, which I think is fairly obvious is happening right now.
  4. Stare at the walls. No need to elaborate.
  5. Paint something, which I'm inclined to do but having a dilemma on subject matter.
  6. Work on one of my five in-progress knitting projects.
  7. Read one of the two dozen books stacked up on the corner of the table.
  8. Surf the internet, expanding my mind with such Earth shattering news as Brangelina expecting twins. Y'all know how important it is to keep up with celebrity gossip and tabloid tidbits.
  9. Something creative, "something" being in the catagory of sewing a new pocketbook, etc.
  10. Business related paper work.
I'm sure there are more options but I can't think of anything else at the moment. But, of the aforementioned exciting possibilities for my day I'm thinking that #1 is most likely the next thing, after completion of #3. Then I'll not feel so bad about indulging in option #5 or #9.

Decisions, decisions.

I think I'll go have a cup of coffee first.

Namaste y'all ...

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