The Common Cold.
Menace to society.
Harbinger of an ill wind wrought with sickness and miserable body aches and pains.
Sneaky. Devious. Insidious.
An uninvited and unwelcome guest to the party of life.
Do ya'll hear the whining? Do y'all hear the pathetic and pointless plea for the good health I was carelessly enjoying just a few short days ago? Oh yes, Mr. Acute Viral Nasopharyngitis has come to call. I feel like I've been hit by a truck, all achy and sore, back of my throat feels like the hide has been scraped off, can only breathe out of one side of my nose. It's not pleasant.
I'm supposed to be in the studio creating art. I want to be creating art. I've got so many ideas for a Can't Elaborate On The Details Of Just Yet project in the works but ...
I'm going have a cup of tea, take some drugs, then have a nice nap.
Namaste y'all ...
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