That's a nice word.
Paul and I officially open our store tomorrow. How cool is that??? As an added bonus, we've already had three sales in the past two days and we weren't even open for business. Rah! I'll tell y'all the truth, there were days I had my doubts we'd ever see the open sign on our door. It's been a long three months. I'm just tickled pink, I am. I'd be even happier about it if I wasn't sick. Ain't that a kicker? Opening a natural healing center and a co-owner is sick with a cold. Dandy. Fortunately, I'm on the mend. And, I've got drugs. Sometimes they are a necessity. I think this is one of those times. Should the drugs fail, my neighbor gave me a bottle of Mr. Boston's Rock & Rye. That stuff, of course, would either cure me or kill me.
Wow. I can't believe it's been so long since I last blogged. That whole 'blog every day' kinda' got shot in the buttocks, didn't it? Sorry 'bout that. Life hasn't been cooperating on some levels of late. Blog time being one of those levels. I suppose I should catch y'all up on the news.
Where to begin?
Ah! The Dream Sweater. Yes, my dear ones, it is complete. I actually finished it on Friday, March 11. Just in time for a special event my best buddy, Kasey, was having that evening. Weather permitted that I was able to wear it a couple more times before it got too warm. I know, I know. I should have taken a photo of me wearing it, but this will have to do ....

Sadly, the colors don't show well in the photo, nor the slight sheen from the silk content of the yarn. But, suffice it to say, the sweater looks like the inside of an abalone shell - with fuzz - from the kid mohair content. You can kind of see the colors on the sleeves. I really like my sweater. I guess I damn well aught to considering the cost of that Prism Indulgence yarn. The only sad part of this endeavor is that it's now really too warm to wear it. Oh well. I'll keep it near, fondle it with affection, and wait for cold weather so I can wear it EVERY FREAKIN' DAY.
The state of the economy hit home, literally speaking. The day my Mamaw died my husband lost his job. The company he drives for is closing three of their terminals ... one of which he operates out of. Rather excellent timing, wouldn't you agree? I had just gotten over to my uncle's house with Mamaw's personal belongings from the nursing home when the husband called with the news. I think I was past the point of even being surprised. The up side is that he was given 60 days to find a new job before the gates close. Great. So we're waiting to hear back from another company he applied to. Cross your fingers.
The hummingbirds are back! Okay, I've only seen two or three so far but I put out all the feeders. I just love my hummers. They make me happy. I could sit (and have) for hours watching their antics and territorial disputes over those feeders. What they lack in size is more than made up for in aggressive defense of a claimed feeder. Last year, one cocky little buzzard tried to horde two feeders. Worked his ass off trying to defend them. He was finally forced to concede one to a zippy, hot-shot female who decided he needed to be put in his place. A few fly-by head thumps and her chosen feeder was won. Feisty little bitch.
I'm sad to say my studio has seen very little of me these past several weeks. I did sort of finish one abstract I've been working on but I'm not pleased with the result. Looks more like a Monet-ish landscape. It's the second attempt at this particular abstract and I'm not sure why I can't get it to work out. I'm still 'stewing' on this version, trying to figure a way to tweak it somehow. It just doesn't feel as good to me as the other abstracts I've done. It's a conundrum.
I also gessoed over the Kwan Yin I'd been working on for months. Like the abstract, the painting simply wasn't working out as I wanted. I'd paint a little here, paint a little there, try this, try that. All for naught. I know exactly how I want the end product to look and what was on that canvas just wasn't cuttin' the mustard. I'd had a similar problem when I was working on Preordained and I spent a ridiculous amount of time stressing over getting it right. While the end result of that particular painting turned out well enough, I wasn't prepared to go through the same stress with this Kwan Yin. Hence the gesso. When all else fails, drop back and punt, so to speak. I'll redraw it off on my nicely primed canvas and give it another go. I think I may use it as the first work-in-progress on my website's Wet Brush page. Hey, the first photo will be easy ... a blank canvas!
My mother had a birthday on the 16th. She's 71. She's also a Jehovah's Witness and they don't do birthdays. Needless to say, I called her up and said, "Happy day. Of course, I'd wish you a Happy Birthday but I know that would just get your knickers in a twist." I'll give her credit. She laughed. Why is it you don't really think about your parents getting old? I simply do not think of Mother as being 71. It's like she's stuck at 59ish, or there'bouts, in my head. Granted, her hair is as snow white as I'm dreaming mine will some day be. But snow white hair does not mean a person is old. And it's true, she's not as physically active/capable as she used to be, etc., etc., etc. I think I just see so much of the same hypochondria steadily coming out in her as it was with my grandmother for years and years. The really bad thing about it with Mother is she has internet access. That's like giving an addict a key to the pharmacy.
So, when she starts her "aches & complaints" I tune it out. For all I know, it may come a day when there is a legitimate complaint and I'm not going to believe her. That's the thing about hypochondria, you hear so much pissing and moaning about all these self-created illnesses that a real illness isn't accepted as real. Think The Boy Who Cried Wolf. If I recall the story correctly, the wolf ate all his sheep in the end. Oh, I won't go into all the psychology and blah, blah, blah about why Mother is like she is. Let's just say she's spent her whole life looking for a way to be noticed. She's done that in a variety of ways over the years and illness is her method of choice now. Well, has been for several years. Truth is, I feel sorry for her. She's a very unhappy person. Nothing can be done about it. It's her choice.
Well, I certainly can't end this post on such a sour note but I don't have much else to tell ya' right now. Hmmm. What uplifting thing can I tell y'all about? Oh yeah ...
We open our store tomorrow!!!
Namaste, y'all ...
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