You may or may not be familiar with SageWoman Magazine, but if you are you might have noticed the article entitled Mother Aphrodite in current Issue 73, The Mother, has three of my illustrations! One illustration is on the Table of Contents page. The other two are on pages10-11 and page 12. Yee Haw, y'all. And they look pretty good, if I do say so myself.
The first go 'round with BBI Media, publisher of SageWoman, PanGaia, The Blessed Bee and newWitch magazines involved my doing illustrations for Issue 72 of SageWoman and being the featured artist for all of Issue 46 of PanGaia. I was pleased with the images printed in SageWoman, but I was really disappointed in what was published in PanGaia. Photoshop filters were used and in most cases, in my opinion, it really detracted from the art I worked my butt off to create for them.
I was kind of embarrassed by it, to know it was what people who read that publication would believe was representative of my art. I could only hope they might venture to my website and see it wasn't. I did a total of about 25-26 images and several of the best ones were not even used. Only one of them was actually printed pretty much like the original artwork submitted. In the end, the thrill of being a featured artist for the first time ever ended up being an unhappy experience. But that's the nature of the beast in Graphics. Once the art goes to the publisher it's often out of your hands in how it is printed. And, of course, once it's in print and on store shelves it's a moot point.
Seeing accurate reproductions of my illustrations in the current issue of SageWoman felt good. Of course, seeing any work of mine (as all artists feel) in publication (except when it's printed badly) is a thrill. It means that someone likes my work enough to put it in print. It's the same thrill I get when someone orders a print from my website and yes, even when someone asks for a commissioned portrait - despite the frustrations associated with doing them. It's a pat on the back ... and admit it, we all like those.
The work that has been published in these magazines was done in graphite on paper. Due to time constraints of the deadlines I had, and because the magazines are printed in black & white, except for the cover, I chose graphite as the medium to use. The drawings/sketches produced are nice art, graphite scans and reproduces well, and because using watercolor or acrylic would have just taken entirely too long. But having this stack of illustrations got me to thinking ... I really should create a section on my website to show them and the other graphite work that I sometimes do. Hmmmm ... I'd have to make room for another "button" on pages that are already symmetrically set button-wise. Then I started thinking about putting up an Intuitive Tarot page, a Reiki page, my "pagan" Christmas ornaments, the T-shirts and some other stuff I've got in the works.
Rattling that idea around in my brain, as y'all can probably surmise, kicked me off on the idea of leaping into yet another website overhaul. Version 6. I seem to have some sort of death wish when it comes to redesigning my website. Sometime I'll reprint my Y360 post about my website dementia for y'all to read. Probably about the time I'm wigging out in a major way over the stress of it all. Lord knows, I can't leave well enough alone. Ideas. Ideas. Ideas.
So, yeah, with all the other bazillion things on my To Do List, I'm cooking up yet another site design on the computer. Sheesh! What a glutton for punishment. Y'all do realize that before it's done I'm going to need either serious therapy or, preferably, sedation.
With that lovely thought ...
Namaste y'all ...
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