"Leaves Are Tears", Mixed Media on canvas, 22" x 28"
As of this evening I have only three more classes to go with the acrylic painting class I'm teaching at the local college. We have finished the ornaments (craft acrylic) and the greetings cards (acrylic used like watercolor) and are now ready to embark on the technique I've been most looking forward to - mixed media, or "collage".
At the beginning of the classes I explained the different techniques we would be doing and had the students start thinking about their idea/theme. I told them to start gathering things they thought might be appropriate to creating their collage; IE: scrap-booking papers and cut-outs, magazine pictures, photos, ribbons, leaves, twigs, fabric, buttons, and all other such notions as might be representative of their idea and potential incorporation into their painting. Tonight is the night we get down and dirty and start working on them.
It will be interesting to see what they've come up with. Collage, as I explained to them, is usually very personal in it's creation. An artist typically begins with an idea. theme, emotion, memory, story, event or such that has meaning to them or their life. The above image is my own collage relating to the sadness I feel in Autumn. So, as I said, this evening I will get to see what my students have decided to do with their own painting ... should be very interesting.
I know one student, my neighbor Joyce, will be dedicating her collage to leaves. She loves budding of the leaves in Spring and the change of their colors in the Fall. She loves the shapes and textures of leaves, hearing them rustle in a breeze, seeing sunlight filter through them on a bright day. Not a bad thing to love, if I do say so myself! I know she has fabric with a leaf print on it from a quilted wall-hanging she made for a friend (she showed me the quilt the other day) and plans to use some of it in her collage. She's pretty crafty and I can imagine she'll come up with something nice.
Another student mentioned liking butterflies. In talking over her idea with her I mentioned how nowa'days you can find umpteen gazillion things with butterflies on them. Cards, wrapping paper, sew-on patches, scrap book stuff, coloring books, books about butterflies, etc., etc., etc. You could see the ideas churning around in her head while I was talking, her eyes lighting up with the possibilities of stuff to start collecting. Like Joyce's collage, I'm looking forward to seeing what she brings to class tonight.
In addition to the cut-and-paste part of the collage we will be doing textures and a sort of faux-finishing style technique with the acrylics. This is the part I really like about doing collage ... it's tactile and creative. It still amazes me that mushing some paint around in different ways can be so damn much fun. There's no limit to the possibilities, no right way and no wrong way. It's all about what appeals to the individual artist and simply enjoying the process. I think most of my students have also been looking forward to this part of the class, too. As a matter of fact, one student in particular, Lorrie, signed up just to do the collage. Can't say as I blame her one bit!
Part of the way I teach the class is to bring stuff I've done as "Show & Tell". Another part is live demonstration of the technique being done. We will be working with a relatively small canvas, only 11" x 14", so it won't be so overwhelming for them to start, nor will it be excessively time consuming. While I have the above image to use as my Show & Tell, I've been having to think about the creation of a collage as my demonstration. What would be my own "idea"?
For several weeks I've been kind of stumped. Then, this past weekend, I decided on an oriental theme. I love Chinese Kanji and I have a wonderful book about writing it. I also have some lovely oriental fabric and some carved beads I bought several years ago. I'm thinking a nice Buddha quote would be a good addition as well. Keep the whole thing very simplistic and Zen-like. I'll post the final image for y'all to see when it's done.
Speaking of that, I guess I'd better get myself back into the studio and collect all my stuff for class ...
Namaste y'all ...
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