Y'all, I know it's not a really big bump on the Happiness Highway of life for a lot of people, but it seems the time has come for my hummingbirds to mosey on their way to warmer climates in Mexico, where the Ruby Throated ones we have here in North Carolina migrate to. Can you believe these little guys (and gals) fly approximately 600 miles across the Gulf of Mexico? It's incredible.
I really enjoy having them around, waiting impatiently for them to arrive and full of sadness to see them leave. Hummingbirds are amazing to watch. They are able to fly up, down, forward, backward, sideways and can stop in midair. Hummingbirds are famous for their aerial display. Some displays are courtship displays; other displays are aggressive. Mostly what I get to see are the aggressive "Back off, Bee-atch - this is MY feeder, dammit!" kind of shows. But what thrills me the most are the times one gets curious enough to venture close and check me out. I always sit still and hold my breath in awe.
I love to hear them in the morning and evening, too. Hummingbirds lack a true song. Instead, they vocalize chirping notes, mostly short buzz trills and chirps. Hummingbirds' wings 'buzz' or make a whirring sound while the birds are in flight and is referred to as a "wing whistle." This past summer I had about 30 birds and the sound of their buzz and chirps constantly filled the air. On more than one occasion I had to dodge out of the way of them chasing each other. Creepy, of course, was always in a state of agitation when she would look out the window at all of them flying around. One brave little soul actually got right up in Creepy's face as she sat on the window sill. Needless to say, I thought the old orange fuzz-ball would have a stroke! Imagine, barely a quarter of an inch of glass between you and an extremely tempting cat toy!
So, it was with a heavy heart I cleaned the feeders, filled them and put them back outside this afternoon. Probably for the last time this season. *sigh* Bye hummers, I'll miss ya' lots!
On the Happiness Highway, there's always a nice, smooth spot or two. I hit a smooth spot the other day when I finally got the Reiki brochures and business cards from the printer. Being the persnickety graphic artist that I am, I do have issues with the color, etc. but I knew better than to expect anything less from a laser printer. But I wanted to show y'all the logo I designed for the cover of the brochures and cards ...
At some point in my crazy busy days I'll be setting up additional pages on my website for the Reiki and for Intuitive Tarot readings. Heck, I've still got paintings to update on the stinkin' site! Yep, makes me anxious and mildly irritated with myself that I haven't gotten it done, but Sheesh! I've been busy!
We, that is Paul and I, got our massage tables set up today and for all practical purposes, we're open for business! Rah! Hoo Yah! All we need are clients. That will come, I know it will.
The space is really nice. Paul did a fabulous job with painting the walls and cleaning the floor ... but I knew he would 'cause he's persnickety, too. We've got a few things yet to do, like put up some art, etc. but the lack of those few things doesn't detract from how calm and comfortable the space is. The lighting is soft. The area feels open and clean. The energy feels good. Makes me want to go and just hang out in our new space!
Okay, got to go into the studio and work on portrait #2. Hope you are all currently riding in the smooth spots on the Happiness Highway ...
Namaste, y'all ...
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