Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gray morning, Earl Grey and gray brain fog ...

I've been up for several hours this morning and have succeeded in doing nothing more than wander around the house trying to decide what to do. I kind of feel like a dog must feel when chasing it's tail. It's not like I don't have plenty of stuff to do ... all too aware of my list of things to do ... but it's an overcast, chilly morning and I'm inclined toward just curling up on the sofa with a cup of Earl Grey tea and one of my books. Of course, a snuggly blanket and an orange fur-ball fat cat would have to be included in that scenario. Does sound really good, doesn't it?

Considering I didn't sleep very well last night I'm sure a nap would occur sometime during the course of this sofa/tea/book/blanket/cat event. Actually, I'm more than sure, I'm positive it would happen. I'm already yawning just thinking about being warm and cozy over there on the sofa. I'm also certain that about the time I got all comfy-cozy the phone would ring a gazillion times and disturb me. Murphy's Law would strike in response to my daring to be a lazy slug today instead of a productive individual. Damn you, Murphy!

So, here I sit typing this post, contemplating my options:
  1. Do laundry & housework, ie: dust, mop, vacuum, etc.
  2. Work on portrait #2
  3. Work on Kwan Yin painting
  4. Work on Namaste painting
  5. Start a new painting
  6. Work on website updates & changes
  7. Start research for "secret project I can't talk about yet"
  8. Work on Paul's quilt .... Hmmm - would be a warm snuggly blanket!
  9. Study some more for my Reiki final master level attunement on Sunday
  10. Work on stuff for next weeks' art class
  11. Do tax stuff for Art Magic and Reiki businesses
  12. Read, nap and snuggle with cat
What do you think I'm going to do?

Yeah, right.

Namaste, y'all ...

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