Back when he switched positions with the company he drives for, from over-the-road to local, he needed a car to drive back and forth on the weekends from Charlotte to the house here in Marion. He's gone all week so the car would be sitting at the terminal five days, he'd drive it home on Friday night and drive back to Charlotte at the butt-crack of down on Monday mornings to go to work.
The terminal has a large paved area for drivers/employees to park their personal vehicles, but the vast majority of the "yard" is dirt/gravel, mostly dirt. He didn't want to drive his Dodge truck and leave it there ... can't say I blame him. Not only would it get pretty dirty, the gas mileage would be on the expensive side. I wasn't going to let him drive my Jeep either. No alternative but to get a small, economical car for him to drive. As luck would have it I found a '04 Chevy Aveo at the local Dodge dealership where I take our vehicles to be serviced. It was perfect, with the exception of it not having A/C, it suited in all other aspects. Great price, $145 a month car payment, excellent gas mileage, nothing fancy to worry about leaving at the terminal all week. I felt like I had done a good thing and left it go at that.
Sadly, the husband is not as easily satisfied as I am. We agreed that come the spring we would have A/C installed, maybe a better stereo system, but that was about the extent of it. I'm not sure what happened to our arrangement but sometime in the last three weeks the husband got a wild hair up his butt that he wanted another car. The upside to the whole thing is he did like the Aveo and his choice for a new car was a newer Aveo ... only - with extras. The down side is I didn't want the added expense to our already tight budget. That's another issue with the husband - he tends to forget we live on a budget. *sigh*
So the hunt began. He spent hours on the internet. Spent hours on the phone with all of the car dealers for miles around. It was all he talked about and in all honesty, I didn't want to hear it, didn't want to discuss it, didn't want to trade the old Aveo for anything. I just wanted to save the money, focus on paying off our other bills and be done with it. Alas, that was not to be. The husband was determined and nothing I said would have changed his mind. It was not a battle I could win, so I just didn't say anything at all.
It all came down to finally getting the new Aveo at our local Chevrolet dealership. They had one he liked but, fair price, offered highest trade allowance on the old Aveo, had a $500 rebate offer, yet it didn't have the "premium" stereo system. Haggling ensued, upgrade to stereo agreed to, price all set and deal made. We were scheduled to go pick up the new Aveo on Saturday. As the Fates would have it, and maybe to appease me a little, our salesman called on Saturday while the husband was outside washing the old Aveo ... new rebates had come down the pipe and we were getting an additional $1,000 rebate. Dealership was drawing up new paperwork right then. *whoopie*
The husband was thrilled.
I couldn't have cared less. Was not appeased.
Anyway, he finished cleaning the old car and we headed over to the Chevy dealership. Two hours later we were the owners of a brand new Aveo.
After the whole process was over we were both hungry and decided to grab some lunch. I think the husband realized I wasn't exactly overjoyed with the new car so he asked if there was anywhere I would like to go instead of straight back home. *insert wicked laughing* I looked at him across the table and said, "We are going to Yarn Paradise in Asheville and you're just going to have to suck it up, Buckaroo."
He was a smart fella' and didn't twitch a muscle nor bat an eyelash.
I guess he was also thinking that having me drive the car to Asheville would somehow make me like it. I drove. I like the car even less now.
But I love Yarn Paradise and took my sweet time browsing the selections of yarns. I found the Noro Korchoran I had seen on the internet, but sadly, the color in real life wasn't what I had hoped it would be so I passed it up. On the other hand, they had Prism Indulgence that I fell in love with. Color - Tumbleweed. I bought two skeins at a shameless $24.95 per skein.
They also had the same yarn in a color called "Fog". I loved it so much I could have eaten it. Even the husband loved it. They only had a couple of skeins and I would have wanted enough to make my roll-neck sweater out of it. When we came home I did an internet search to see if I could locate it at a better price but it's nowhere to be found. So, this morning I called Yarn Paradise to see if they could special order it in a larger quantity. I'm waiting for the owner to call me back. If they can I'm going to be on Cloud 9 and you can be assured our savings account will be a minor chunk of change smaller. The husband will not argue. *hee hee*
I've already warned him ... "You just got $14,000 worth of new car after we had agreed to make no big/new purchases for the next couple of years - SO - I'm going to get $14,000 of stuff for the house after the Jeep is paid off in May. Anything else YOU want is going to have to wait until I am avenged."
Hey, works for me. Looks like I'm going to get to recover my living room furniture about three years ahead of schedule! *Rah!*
New curtains!
New carpet!
Hmmmm, I think I'm starting to feel appeased .....
Namaste, y'all ...