Trials and tribulations. That's been the sum of my days of late here at the computer, trying to design my blog page. I've already got a blog with Yahoo 360 and didn't want to create another through them for my website blog. Why? I wanted to add my own custom header art, etc. In short - I wanted more control than Y360 allowed me.
Okay. I decided to give WordPress a try. Not a good choice, I quickly discovered. I'm not proficient with html, css, ftp's and yadda, yadda, yadda's. I soon found myself swimming around in the deep end of the pool without my water wings on. While some folks might zip through all the tutorials and such, I ended up with a stack of print-outs and a really big headache. When all else fails, drop back and punt ...
I scuttled back to my e-blogger account and Kazam! Bingo! Ta Da! I prevail! All in a matter of a couple of hours I now have a complementary blog page to the rest of my website. Oh Baby! Feelin' the love, I tell ya', feelin' the love for e-blogger right now. *kissy-kissy* Why did I even go with WordPress?, I'm asking myself. Must love to torture my poor brain. Must love stress and anxiety. Must be nuts.
So y'all, here we are. Together at last. I'm looking forward to the bloggin' journey to come and I hope you will hang out with me along the way. My art, my artistic endeavors, my art craziness and my art passion. 'Cause that's what this blog is all about. Art. Gotta' love it!
I'm so glad your blog is up. I love the design. I'm really happy that you finally found an easier way to do bloggage! "The Water Element" is a nice touch!
Thank you, Cheese Puff! I'm glad you're my first commentor! *hugs*
Wow you go go my little blogging friend. Love it!
hey's me your sister-n-law from TEXAS...I see you have the YA'LL down :)
Looks Great!!!
I sent you an e-mail regarding "The 5 Elements" Hope to hear from you soon!
Michele :)
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