Friday, February 5, 2010

Momma Nature and Old Man Winter ... it's a tag-team effort.

Call me crazy. Call me a person swimming in wishful thinking and vain hope. Call in an order for a large White pizza from Roma's Italian Restaurant and have it delivered. Call Momma Nature and Old Man Winter and tell them the party is over and this is the final call from the bar. I'm ready for warm weather now, thank you very much.

I've been eye-ballin' the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administraton page for my location and watching as the nasty stuff crept closer and closer all week. We got dumped on Monday with a foot of snow. We got another couple of inches of sleety/snowy/freezy stuff last night. Been steadily drizzling more of the same all day. Calling for more of it tomorrow. Did I already tell you I'm really, really ready for warm weather?

This is what I woke up to this morning ...

I will be the first to admit it is beautiful ...

But despite the beauty, I look out my window and see how the weight of it makes the pines lean over like hump-back old men. I can't quite get the "this stuff makes trees fall down really close to my house" thoughts out of my head. Living in a house surrounded by trees it nice, but it does have it's down side at times.

So, the furry vermin and I found parking spots and enjoyed ourselves ...

I chose the sofa with a hot cup of Earl Gray and a book ...

Tuck got comfy on my side of the bed ...

Zipper got his blankie at the foot of the bed ...

And we had a good day.

Namaste, y'all ...

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