Thursday, November 27, 2008

A day to be thankful ...

Happy Turkey Day, y'all ...

Technically speaking, I think every day you should remember to be thankful for what you have. I'm saddened how anymore it seems to require a holiday to make people stop and remember to be grateful/thankful. When I light that stick of incense every morning I take a minute to say "Thanks!" for all the good stuff in my life ... and "Thanks!" for all the not-so-good stuff, too. Good things, well, are good things. The bad, they help you appreciate the good and they are lessons to learn from. Of course, that's my humble opinion.

The things I'm thankful are probably simple and ordinary to most folks, but I'm okay with that. My list includes, but is not limited to:
  • Every day is a new opportunity to try again.
  • The gift of being human.
  • My Spirit Guides and how they care for me, protect me, and help me on this journey.
  • The ever evolving and growing connection I have with the Divine source.
  • Every event and every person who has contributed in one way or another to my being who and where I am today.
  • That I know what true love is.
  • M. Personal and I won't elaborate.
  • The husband and all he does for me.
  • The miracle of the incredible friendships I have in my life.
  • My home, it's comfort and protection.
  • Tuck, and the sweet and goofy bundle of furry kitty-love that he is.
  • Open Hands and the friend/business partnership I have with three amazing people.
  • The ability to paint and the joy of art.
  • The change of seasons even if I'm not particularly fond of cold weather. - But hey, knitting and knitted stuff is a bonus to cold weather, so it does have it's upside!
  • Knitting and stores full of delicious yarn.
  • Coffee and flavored hot teas - most wonderful stuff.
  • Books! A person can never have enough books.
  • Rubi, my pretty little Jeep that reliably gets me where I need to go.
  • Thick, warm socks.
  • The invention of electricity and light bulbs.
  • Camping and the campfire.
  • Creeks, especially one you can camp next to.
  • Adobe Photoshop.
  • Chocolate truffles. Need I say more?
Yeah, I could sit here for a long time and rattle off dozens of things, but you get the gist. Like I said, items on my thankful list are rather obvious. But maybe that's as it should be sometimes. Too often we forget about those simple things, everyday things. The things we take for granted, like having a car that starts on a cold morning or a glass of sweet iced tea on a hot summer day. Those are the things that make up our lives moment to moment. Yes, be thankful for the big stuff, but don't forget the small things.

So let me leave you with this image of considerable charm and the magic of love ...

Photo swiped from

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